Moxibustion for breech babies - how to do it
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese therapy that involves using a lit moxa stick to gently warm acupuncture points on the little toes of the feet. It increases the baby's movements and helps turn the baby into a head down position. I almost always use this in conjunction with osteopathy, cranial osteopathy, exercises, postural advice, and acupuncture to align the spine and the pelvis to their optimum position, so the baby has space to move, and for their head to move down, to what has become the most comfortable place for them to be. The baby doesn’t get moved at all by me.
Moxa sticks are cigar-like, made from dried mugwort, wrapped up in paper. Currently they cost about £14 from Amazon (enter “Moxa Sticks - PowerKing 10 Rolls Pure Moxa Rolls for Mild Moxibustion Health Care Relieve Body Pain Massage”).
Here are some tips for using a moxa stick for a breech baby:
Find the right point: The acupuncture point to use is called Zhi Yin or Urinary Bladder 67 (UB67) and is located on the outer edge of the fifth toe.
Light the moxa stick: You can light the moxa stick with a match or cigarette lighter. Like a cigar, the end should just be glowing, not on fire.
Hold the moxa stick close to the skin: Ideally get someone else to do this for you. Get them to hold the lit end of the stick about half a centimetre away from your skin. It should feel warm, but not hot.
Treat both feet: Alternate between your left and right feet, holding the moxa stick over each point for 15–30 seconds.
Treat twice a day: Continue the treatment twice a day for 5–14 days.
Use a glass jar to extinguish the moxa: When you're done, dip the lit end of the moxa stick into a glass jar with a layer of rice at the bottom and tap it until it has extinguished, ready for use next time.
You should check with your midwife before using moxa sticks, and let her know what you're planning to do.
This is for informational purposes only. For medical advice or diagnosis, consult a doctor.
September 07, 2018
Can't sleep? App to help
If you are the person who still takes your mobile phone to bed with you, then put it to good use and download a free app called "Insight Timer". This has hundreds and hundreds of free meditations and talks - one of which I'm sure you will find helps you to sleep.
My personal favourite is the yoga nidra for sleep - works every time!
In addition, for those of you who also meditate regularly, the app has a handy timer - I have the Tibetan bowl bong every 5 minutes, with a final 3 bongs at the end, so I can relax and get on with meditating without checking what time it is!
One of the other good features of this app is that you can download the meditations you like and then turn your phone to airplane mode, so you won't be disturbed. My favourite app!
May 21, 2018
GDPR EU regulations regarding protecting your data
Boring, boring, boring but YOUR PRIVACY MATTERS!
Data privacy has never been more important, and in light of a new regulation coming into effect across the EU, we have updated our Privacy Policy.
This new law is built around the principles of transparency and control. To help you retain control of your data, our new policies offer more detail on what we collect, how we use it, and your rights.
Your trust is important to us, so keeping your personal information safe and secure remains our top priority.
To find out more, please take a look at our updated Privacy Policy. This will apply from Friday 25th May 2018.
April 23, 2016
Mental Health, Anxiety and Exam Fever
It's that time of year again - the one when panic can set in for both teenagers and parents! Here are some apps to help during this difficult time. Why not download them for free and see if you think they could help.
YOU-app "Small steps for a happier, healthier living"
BASE app - specifically for children and teens with mental health problems - download from or from your app store by searching for: Solent NHS Trust BASE.
For people over the age of 19, struggling with emotional wellbeing, or wanting to learn about building on your personal resilience to stressful situations there is "Living Well" - courses for your wellbeing for patients living in Dorset. Call 01202262300 or apply online at
In addition, see below for information about writing your own WRAP - a wellness recovery action plan - a tool to help you identify what triggers anxiety/depression and then what actions help stop it from becoming worse.
March 01, 2016
WRAP - wellness recovery action plan
Some people with chronic pain report being told by friends and family that its all in their head! Well it is the brain that interprets pain in the rest of the body - so actually it is! But that's not helpful! Pain is our body's way of telling us to stop doing something that is causing damage to us, to keep us safe from further harm. Sometimes the message gets "stuck" and keeps repeating long after the threat to the body has gone. When discussing this with you I will have mentioned you looking at a "WRAP". WRAP stands for wellness recovery action plan. Click on the link below to find out more:-
March 01, 2016
Weaning advice - for families with allergies, asthma, auto-immune diseases
Advice on weaning - when and how - changes fashionably regularly! If your baby has close relatives who have auto-immune diseases, allergies, hayfever, asthma etc, it is probably wise to follow Suzannah Olivier's advice on the order in which you introduce foods, waiting until the baby is a bit older before introducing foods known to commonly cause reactions - for example - potatoes and tomatoes are in the deadly nightshade family.
See document below for further information.
March 01, 2016
SPD - symphysis pubis dysfunction - pelvic ring dysfunction/disorder Advice
If you have had a consultation with me for SPD, you will know that I have seen many many women with this disorder. I have put together a document with all the advice I have personally found to be helpful. Let me know if you have any other gems of knowledge to share with other women and I can add it to this list of helpful advice.
SPD can be successfully managed with good outcomes for both mum and baby.